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Jornada de puertas abiertas en la Escuela de las Emociones con el cofundador Dan Newby

La Escuela de las Emociones ofrece libros, cursos, eLearning y una multitud de recursos para ayudarte a ampliar e integrar las emociones como una habilidad vital. Acompaña a Dan en una visita de una hora a nuestra escuela virtual y en una conversación sobre la alfabetización emocional y su relevancia en todo lo que haces. Será esclarecedor y ampliará las posibilidades que ves para profundizar en tu competencia emocional.


What is it?

A free one-hour introduction and virtual school tour with co-founder and teacher Dan Newby.

Who is it for?

Anyone interested in emotional literacy and ways to develop a practical, logical approach to emotions. Particularly of value to coaches, counselors, educators, leaders, parents, and ‘people who support people’.

What will you learn?
  • The origins of the School of Emotions
  • Our vision and mission
  • What we offer as learning resources: Books, games, courses, eLearning, conversation groups, and more
  • How expanding your understanding and comfort with emotions will help you live more peacefully and securely

How is it organized?

This is a free one-hour introduction and Q&A session.

What else do I need to know?

As a thank you for your time you will receive a 20% discount on any product or course.

For any questions, please write to me at dan@schoolofemotions.world

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