For a significant proportion of my life I would introduce myself by what I do for my work. It has taken me a while to define who I am. I am an individual who wants to make a positive difference in the lives of the people I touch. I do this in a multitude of ways – as a coach, consultant, friend, confidante, mother, daughter. Essentially, the core of these approaches is that I create safety by building trust, caring, showing compassion, being courageous, and using the wisdom that I have.

Going through the Emotions-Centered Coach certification has extended and deepened my emotional literacy. In my coaching sessions, exploring the emotions that clients are experiencing in the moment, even when they are relating past experiences, is so powerful. It allows them to unlock a deeper insight of which they were previously unaware. The new insight then helps them to understand what is driving their behaviours and they can determine if and how they want to change. I love to see that.  I also use these tools in personal situations to help myself, my family, and friends. Emotional literacy helps us in all aspects of our lives.