Emotions-Centered Coaching Course w/Dan Newby

What is it? A 6-part Zoom hosted workshop to help you build a practical and powerful understanding of emotions as an essential coaching tool.
Designed and presented by Dan Newby, best-selling author on emotional literacy, founder of www.schoolofemotions.world, and a global advocate for emotional learning.
Who is it for?
- Coaches of any experience level who want to expand their range of skills and offer a unique coaching approach centered on emotions.
- Leaders, educators, or other ‘people who support people’ who want to learn how to lead a coaching conversation leveraging emotions as a tool.
What will you learn?
- To articulate emotions with precision and how to deconstruct them into their three essential elements
- To notice and employ various dimensions of emotions such as time orientation, direction of reference, and emotions about emotions
- To listen for the emotions associated with and underlying your coachee’s breakdown
- To fluidly weave emotional distinctions into your coaching conversations
- The Emotions-Centered Coaching™ model and how to integrate it into your coaching
- To navigate your own emotions in the service of your coachees
How is it organized?
As six 2-hour session in consecutive weeks. Sessions are recorded in case you are unable to attend.
What does it cost?
The course tuition is $795 U.S. and you receive a copy of my four books and Emoli Emotion Flash cards as part of enrolment.
* If you are interested in this course but the full price is currently beyond your means, please write to at dan@schoolofemotions.world to discuss options
What else do I need to know:
- You’ll be awarded 12 ICF CCEUs or 12 NBHWC CEs (course # CEA-000313-1) upon completion
- You will have anytime access to me, Dan Newby, for conversations about your learning or coaching challenges
- This is the first of two steps to become certified as an ECC™ by School of Emotions.
Please contact me with any questions at dan@schoolofemotions.world.