Making Emotions Common Sense in the World
There is no more important life skill than Emotional Literacy. Recognizing, naming, and understanding what our emotions are trying to tell us is life changing. It is a skill as important as linguistic literacy and something we can all learn. Step onto the path to emotional literacy with us.

The book Dignity in Policing is now available on Amazon in print and Kindle versions

Hi, I’m Dan Newby.
The most important and challenging learning in my life has been developing my emotional literacy. It has given me a tremendous life skill and transformed my life. Many of my students say something similar happened for them. My passion is to help others discover the impact emotional literacy can make in their lives
Emotions-Centered Coaching Certification
Emotions-Centered Coaching Course
Podcasts and Webinars
EMOLI Flash Cards
EMOTE iPhone App
Individual Coaching and Mentoring
Emotional Mastery Learning Groups
There are many paths to emotional literacy…which would you like to explore?
Latest Blog-Posts
Growing Awareness
I’ve always thought about awareness as something a bit mystical and difficult to pin down. It seemed like a good idea but I had put it into the “either you have it or you don’t” column. I’d come to think that either people “were" or "were not” aware. Very black and...
Navigating Emotions
Looking back over the past 60 years of my life I can see that I have had several distinct relationships with my emotions and various strategies for how to co-exist with them. If it sounds like I am referring to them as something separate from “me” that is because...
Emotions About Our Emotions
We all know that emotions are not always easy to pin down. Somehow they seem a little slippery and, darn them, always changing. It is a big enough challenge sometimes just to name the emotion we are feeling precise. To make things even more interesting we not only...
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